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Meet Anneka Sciola

Anneka Sciola is a Calvetti Ferguson advisory partner in the Houston office. She has lived in Houston for over thirteen years and has been a member of the firm for ten years. Anneka specializes in helping owners and founders sell all or part of their businesses to unlock the wealth they have worked hard to build. Her favorite part of the industry is approaching the business problems of the middle-market business owner from a holistic point of view.

What do you like about the market in Houston?

“I have lived in Houston for thirteen years and love it here. I love the diversity of the people and businesses, which range anywhere from energy, healthcare, industrials, and manufacturing all the way to SAAS. Even though Houston has such a large population, I love our sense of community; one of my clients referred me to a wonderful top-notch dental specialist that my kids continue to see today.”

How do you like to get involved in the community?

“I mentor young women from different countries and backgrounds to help educate and train them in English and other professional skills and, eventually, land in professions that are in high demand and benefit the greater community, such as church leadership and teaching.”

What do you like most about the culture at Calvetti Ferguson?

“I’m proud to say that this is my tenth year at the firm, and the reason I see a bright future at Calvetti Ferguson is because of our people. We have a culture that rewards authenticity and connectivity. Every year, we have a new season of connection teams, which consists of teams of people who get together for events solely for the purpose of hanging out and building comradery and, at the same time, competing to be the best team of the season (And, of course, I believe that my connection team in Houston is the best).”

What is your definition of success?

“I would like to be remembered as a person who made a difference in people’s lives. My idea of a successful relationship is when my client feels confident in the decisions that I help advise them on. I also find tremendous joy in coaching my team members in their career trajectories. I am eager to watch them grow into leaders of the firm.”

Contact Anneka

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