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Did you know that medical devices that are not secure are considered the top cybersecurity threat to healthcare organizations? Only about 51 percent of respondents to a survey said their organizations include preventative measures against cybersecurity attacks on these devices. A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO), an expert who safeguards an organization’s information remotely, can help organizations with these cybersecurity preventative measures to protect computers, data, and the people who use the company’s services. The vCISO develops cybersecurity plans, handles incidents, and investigates problems.

Strategies Provided by a vCISO:

 1. Protect patient care.

The need for more emphasis on preventing and responding to attacks on insecure medical devices in cybersecurity strategies can critically affect patient care. If these devices are compromised, patients are at risk of harm or even life-threatening situations. For example, if a hacker gains control over a medical device like a pacemaker or an insulin pump, they could manipulate its functions, leading to potentially disastrous consequences for the patient.

Similarly, attacks on the supply chain can disrupt the availability and integrity of essential medical equipment, medications, or other supplies. This disruption can result in delays or shortages, affecting the timely and effective delivery of healthcare services and ultimately jeopardizing patient care.

2. Conduct cybersecurity risk assessments and create threat assessments.

A vCISO helps keep patients safe by ensuring their medical information is protected. They create a plan to make sure that hackers can’t access patient records or mess with medical devices. The vCISO also works to prevent any problems with medical devices so that patients can get the care they need without any interruptions. By developing and executing a comprehensive cybersecurity assessment, the vCISO safeguards patient information’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability, preventing unauthorized access or breaches. While doing so, the vCISO collaborates closely with current management and technical teams to ensure the effective implementation of cybersecurity plans.

3. Save time and money.

Cybersecurity attacks can cause decreased productivity if professionals shift their attention from patient care to handling these attacks amongst organizations. A vCISO ensures the systems and data are secure, so the professionals can concentrate on giving patients the best care. By stopping problems before they happen, vCISOs prevent expensive security issues and keep everything running smoothly. They know how to plan and use resources wisely, ensuring the healthcare organization spends money on only necessary things.

These vCISOs are flexible, can work remotely, and are easier to hire on a project basis when needed. They have lots of experience in responding quickly to identify, contain, and reduce the impact of cyber threats. Their knowledge helps them recover quickly, so healthcare operations can keep running smoothly and less time is wasted fixing security problems.

Are you looking to protect your healthcare organization, patients, and security and increase efficiency? If so, Calvetti Ferguson can help. For more information, visit our virtual CISO page, and fill out our contact form below.

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