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Meet Kenneth von Tungeln

Kenneth von Tungeln is a Calvetti Ferguson tax partner, and he can be found in our Fort Worth office. He has spent 25 years in public accounting and has been with Calvetti Ferguson for five years. Kenneth has industry experience working with professional service providers and small businesses.

What do you like about the Fort Worth market?

“I like that the market here is relationship based. It is growing, but it is robust. Fort Worth has a lot to offer, with so many industries here that we can tap into. It has a small-town feel, with thriving small businesses, and I enjoy that atmosphere.”

Where is your favorite place to go in Fort Worth?

“I love going out on nice days, visiting patios with my wife and friends, and listening to live music. There is more than just country-western music here, which is nice since I don’t like just one genre of music. You can hear all kinds of music, and I enjoy getting out, visiting with friends, and listening to good music.”

What is your favorite aspect of working with small businesses?

“I like being able to help small businesses navigate starting a business and the complexities of business and tax compliance. Being able to help them grow the company and provide for their family is something I enjoy.”

What do you like most about the culture at Calvetti Ferguson?

“I love that it is inclusive from the top down. Everything is open, and our quarterly firm updates are unlike anything I have experienced at other places. Our leadership is very open about our results and where we are going. We have a great crew in the FW office – everyone gets along and has fun with each other. Of course, we are busy and have work to do, but we can cut up a little and break the stress up.”

Contact Kenneth

To read more partner profiles, click here. To contact Kenneth von Tungeln, click here.