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Meet Eric Teachout

Eric Teachout is a tax partner with Calvetti Ferguson and also is the San Antonio office managing partner. He has thirteen years of experience and has been with Calvetti Ferguson for five and a half years. The industries Eric serves include service providers, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals.

What is your favorite aspect of the family office industry?

“I like talking to and working with people to achieve their goals. I like being able to help them understand how they can be impacted by what they’re doing with their finances and what decisions they are making. I like working with people within the family office or high-net-worth industries, and it’s nice to be able to help them.”

Tell us a little about your industry experience.

“I have a wide range of experiences that I’ve had that have been able to develop my experiences in industries. I started my career with a Big 4 public accounting firm where I was able to work on large, publicly traded companies. I then shifted my career, and since I have been at Calvetti Ferguson, I have worked on high net-worth individuals and family offices. So, in my last six years, I have had two different parts of my career that have helped me expound and think through technical issues since I have those two very different experiences.” 

What do you like about the market in San Antonio?

“The clients truly care about their service providers. They want you to be successful, and they want you to be able to help them be successful in their endeavors. It is closer-knit than some of the bigger markets out there. I used to be in DC, but San Antonio is very different from DC, where they care about you and what is going on in your life.”

How do you like to get involved in the community?

“Right now, most of my time is spent with networking events and with my kids and their sporting activities. I am mainly involved in coaching. I’ve been an assistant for soccer and baseball, and I am usually the head coach when it comes to my kids’ basketball teams.”

What do you love most about the culture at Calvetti Ferguson?

“I love that we are driven and want our team members to succeed no matter their service line. We are willing to adjust and help our team members find what’s best for them and what fits them in the firm. I love that we are willing to help people switch to different areas in Calvetti Ferguson to be successful.”

Contact Eric

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