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Meet Cary Luhn

Cary Luhn is the accounting services partner in charge at Calvetti Ferguson’s Houston office. She has over 20 years of experience and has been with the firm for over two years. She has industry expertise in construction, manufacturing, distribution, and private equity.

Tell Us a Little About Your Industry and Service Expertise

“While my focus is on construction, private equity, and industries of that nature, I find myself working with a variety of small to mid-size businesses. I find working with smaller businesses extremely fulfilling. My favorite part is seeing how I can add value to businesses and ultimately set them up for success for years to come. Across all the industries I work with, I enjoy learning about all the amazing business concepts that are out there that I never knew existed.”

What Advice Would You Give a Young Professional Going into the Accounting Industry?

“I would tell anyone starting their career in accounting to be patient in their career path. Be sure to remember that “no” and “not now” do not mean “never,” but rather, they should act as motivation to push you forward. The industry can be challenging in nature, but as long as you are willing to pivot and learn how to keep a good balance between your career and social life, you can achieve your goals.”

What is Your Definition of Success?

“Success can take many forms, but the main idea is to try and make an impact, whether it is big or small. There will always be parts of a project or situation that are out of your control, but if you focus on what you can control, you will set yourself up for success. It is important to take everything one step at a time and to establish open communication, especially for the success of your team.”

What do You Love Most About the Culture at Calvetti Ferguson?

“The culture at Calvetti Ferguson is all about the people. I have not worked anywhere with the same transparency and openness this firm has provided. There is a consideration in every decision, and it really takes into account the ideas and perspectives of our team. During my years at Calvetti Ferguson, I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know many different people in the office, and at the numerous networking events I am able to attend.”