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Meet Bo Blocher

Bo Blocher is a tax partner for Calvetti Ferguson and is located in our Dallas office. He has fifteen years of experience and has been with Calvetti Ferguson since February 2022. His industry expertise is in private equity, business structuring, and general operating businesses.

What is Your Favorite Aspect of Your Industry?

“My favorite aspect about alternative investments is that it is a jigsaw puzzle of gray. There is much complexity, and it has had a lot of changes over the last five to ten years, and it is continuing to change. I find it challenging but also rewarding.”

Tell us a Little About Your Industry Expertise.

“I was in the Cayman Islands, where I was introduced to business structuring and alternative investments, including the private equity and hedge fund space. That opened my eyes to its complexity, the challenge, and how private equity touches all aspects of the business world. The fund structuring and capital investment into other businesses gave rise to the desire to know and learn more. It is a complex aspect of the tax world, and there is much need for the interpretation of some defined and undefined tax laws.”

What Do You Like About the Market in Dallas?

“There are a few things, but I like that it is a strong and active market. I also like that it is a melting pot not only from a market standpoint but also from a city standpoint, from having Fort Worth close, as well as many transplants from the New York, San Francisco, and Chicago areas. What that brings is a lot of differing views, different types of businesses, and a lot of activity that is refreshing from a tax professional’s standpoint. It is not the same thing day in and day out.”

How Do You Like to Get Involved in the Community?

“I like to give back in any manner that is possible, which means partnering with our firm initiatives and our Connection Team events. We give back to the community through events like assisting food banks and other not-for-profits, as well as general activities to which we can contribute our time.”

What Do You Love Most about the Culture at Calvetti Ferguson?

“I love that it is an open, honest culture. We’re open and honest with our people and our clients, which many claim to have but do not always follow up with.”

Contact Bo

Read more Partner Profiles from Calvetti Ferguson here, and click here to contact Bo Blocher.